Why Bubbles in the Baltics?

Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania

Three relatively small nations on the Eastern shore of the Baltic sea. Three countries with a lot in common, but also with a lot of differences. The countries’ inhabitants do not understand each others’ languages, and they belong to different branches of Christianity, but they share experiences which tie them together, and have made them strong.

The flight from any North European capital to Tallinn, Riga or Vilnius is short. The trip from the airport to the city centre is quick and easy.

Visiting these three countries is simple – they all use the euro, and most people speak at least some English. The three capital cities are compact and easy to navigate on foot which more often than not leads to stopping at a nice café or in a shop to browse beautiful things.

There is no feeling of “worn-down ‘90s” in the Baltics. When this region was a part of the Soviet Union most technical developments that happened in the West never reached this far. Everything happened here over the past 30 years which means that nowadays most hotels and conference centres have new, state-of-the-art technological solutions, and that internet is free, fast, and available everywhere.

There is a sense of enthusiasm, creativity and entrepreneurship in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, which you can feel the moment you land. There is a wish to grow, to develop, get a better life and to find one’s place in a changing world.  

There are also strong memories, a respect for our history and cultural heritage, which was hidden for a long time. The Baltic peoples love their songs and music, they arrange unique song festivals, they are proud of their beautiful and successful opera houses and in the Baltics anyone will find music festivals and events to fit their taste.

Those who are interested in architecture have come to the right place – you will find everything from prehistoric Viking settlements to medieval city walls, baroque castles and churches, wooden houses, art nouveau and exciting modern buildings.

On top of all this you will find untouched and beautiful natural landscapes – a haven for those who like to walk, bike, ride horses, watch birds and meet wild horses and cows, paddle kayaks, enjoy endless sandy beaches, fly, climb trees and visit lovely gardens and farmers’ markets.

What our clients say

"We’ve had a good trip home and we sure brought a lot of good memories back with us. I believe that all guests got a good impression of Riga and we’re glad that both your and our teams have contributed to this."

"Everything worked perfectly as usual and everything turned out well. The flight was on time, the taxi transfer worked, the hotel perfectly luxurious, the location great, the weather fantastic (warm) and lots of people/tourists. Vilnius was exactly as I expected. Slightly more powerful and larger than Tallinn and Riga.
Thank you for everything ."